Johnson Reunion 2011

We were able to make it to Wyoming, well Idaho I guess, for the annual Ervon Johnson reunion. So glad we did because it was great. We got to try out our new camper and iron out the kinks before carrying on with the camping schedule this summer. It was so nice to have! We took turns cooking, played family fued, water balloon volleyball, and kickball, kids did scavenger hunts, rode horses, had rubber ducky races, fed the baby calf, ate, played in water, drove a mini john deere, 4-wheeled, and then passed out cold every night! A HUGE thanks to Tara and Cindy who put the whole carnival together. It was awesome! So good to see my family, including my super cute grandma! Love you all!

Washington Pics...

Monday, June 27, 2011

10 days, 6 stops, and over 2500 miles...

I can't believe it's almost July! Once again, time is flying by...and I can't seem to keep up on anything. House gets cleaned, house is dirty. Laundry gets washed, hampers filled up. I know this is nothing that is new to ANYONE, so I will not complain. In all honesty...I have nothing to complain about. Not one thing! So with that being said...I will update.

In May, we were lucky to be apart of Dan's best friends wedding. Dan was asked to be best man. So, we decided to make it a road trip. I'll be honest, I was nervous. Stick a 2 year old, overly active/obstinate toddler in a car for hours on end...what should happen?? She did wonderful! Better than us at times! After the wedding, we drove up to Whidbey Island to see Dan's parents. It was so nice, everything and everyone were wonderful. We met some super nice new people/friends on this trip.

10 days, 6 stops, and over 2500 miles. It was a good time!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So for the past hour, I have been pacing my house, my mind racing with thoughts, memories, my heart aching a bit...and felt I needed to write it out. In 2 days, it will be 9 years since my younger brother passed away. So for a couple of brief moments, I will be emotional, maybe a bit selfish.
Do I feel robbed? Well, I would be lying if I said no. I do! I feel my siblings were, my husband and brother in law were (who never got to meet him), my nephew, my nieces, my own little monkey, my parents, most of all...his son. Robbed of years of knowing him, laughing at him and with him. There are days, though they are fewer and far between, where I find it a little hard to take a deep breath when I think of him. Today is one of those days.
My brother was awesome! He was funny beyond belief. I miss that laugh! He LOVED his nieces and nephews. I miss seeing that interaction! He was generous, protective, funny, smart, talented, did I mention funny?? We grew up close, 17 months apart. There are days where I panic and think that I've forgotten his laugh...then it comes back to me, and I smile. Everyone should be so lucky to have known someone like him in their lifetime...I was not only lucky, but honored to not only have KNOWN him, but be his big sister.
In saying all of this, I hope that it doesn't come across as angry or bitter...nothing could be further from the truth. Although there were times, I admit. To say that I am where I am today, that I live the life that I do, to have the things that I have, the family that I have, I attribute a large part to him, to knowing him. I am so blessed! To have what I have...and to have had 28 years with him, to know him, to love him.
I am at peace knowing that I have, that we all have him as our guardian angel. To watch over, to protect, to guide us. He's definately had his work cut out for him...good thing he was never afraid of working hard! I love and miss you my dear sweet brother!

Jai guru deva. Om.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Maddy turns 2!

Yes, it's true. My baby, my last baby, is 2. It's the last 2nd birthday I'll throw for a child of mine. A little bittersweet, so much fun! She is entertained by simple things. She is so fun, so funny, so sweet, so spicy, so yummy...every day I squish her dozens of times. Sometimes she loves it, other times, she does not. She is 2, and she is 2 in every sense of the term, the age. She's learned to slam doors, then hugs her monkeys and penguins so tightly telling them 'I've missed you so much Acito'. We're not sure what or who Acito is, I'm sure it's from Dora since she is borderline obsessed, but they are all Acito and she loves and misses them multiple times per day. She makes me laugh, she makes me smile, she makes me sigh (both good and bad), but she makes me LOVE being her momma! Every day, every minutes of every day, I am so grateful that I have her, that we have her. She is just nothing more than a tremendous, wonderful, beautiful blessing that we were given. She's changed our lives, our days, and I wouldn't trade it for anything or everything! I love you Miss Maddy Jane! I'm so proud to be your mommy!

Brief update...

This one is about me, or more importantly (is that even a word?), me and my dear friends. My cute hubby decided I needed a girl's trip. He called my friends and set up a weekend that worked for everyone. Now in saying that, Dan has never been really good at keeping a secret/surprise, so that night, he woke me up to tell me. I won't lie, anxiety set in at the thought of leaving my baby for the first time for more than one night! The next day Dan booked all of our flights, some of us leaving California a month from the rest...but his intentions were good. We were all going to Kim's in Southern Cal.
I met Kimba in 1998, at the tail end of my 1st marriage. (Was I even married before? Because it doesn't seem so...) She was my next door neighbor. Single mom with the most beautiful daughter. We hit it off immediately! I met Ter-Bear and her then boyfriend, now hubby, in line at the airport on our way to Cancun in June 1999 to celebrate being newly single. Carma came next... These 3 ladies have been my dearest friends for over a decade. Through more kids, marriages, etc, etc, they have been there. I love them all! They are beautiful, they are sweet, they are fun! They have hearts of gold! glad you are part of my life, I love you all!
Our trip was perfect! It was awesome! No anxiety, just pure relaxation, and even though we hadn't done this in years, it was like no time had lapsed! We hung out, we ate out, we shopped, stayed in Old Towne San Diego, watched an 80's play (hence a lot of the laughter)...the weather was cooler than anticipated, but the trip was awesome!

We ate lunch at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club, courtesy of a good friend of mine and Dan's...I could get used to that!

Newport Beach!!

I hope this becomes an annual or better yet, semi-annual trip! It was the perfect get-a-way!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!???

Is it just me, or did 2010 go by REALLY fast?? Wow, I swear we just celebrated New Years a few months ago...
This Christmas, like all Christmas' past, was perfect! The anticipation, the buildup, and of course having the whole Santa thing NEW in our house again has brought more fun into the whole thing. For those who don't know...EVERY single year (minus maybe a few during teenage years) my mom does matching pj's for everyone. When we were kids, she made them, and still does from time to time...when she HAS the time. I still LOVE this part, combined with Christmas Eve stockings, presents, good food, etc, etc... Christmas Eve is probably STILL my favorite night of the year.

Mad's got a new trike from Santa...still learning the whole 'pedal' thing!

I heart this kid!! Am had his name for a gift this year...a sweatshirt and fingerless gloves! Here Mr. Cartman shows his unique sense of humor when he walked in with his homemade sign! That kid makes me laugh!!

Mad's in her tutu from Mimi!

The whole familia! Clad in our matching jammies! Dan looks SUPER excited!

Am and Savvy!

My darling them!

Am giving Maddy a hand..

On the Christmas train at the mall...

...and...relaxing in a box!! Not sure why we buy presents, boxes are usually a huge hit!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy New Year's!!