Johnson Reunion 2011

We were able to make it to Wyoming, well Idaho I guess, for the annual Ervon Johnson reunion. So glad we did because it was great. We got to try out our new camper and iron out the kinks before carrying on with the camping schedule this summer. It was so nice to have! We took turns cooking, played family fued, water balloon volleyball, and kickball, kids did scavenger hunts, rode horses, had rubber ducky races, fed the baby calf, ate, played in water, drove a mini john deere, 4-wheeled, and then passed out cold every night! A HUGE thanks to Tara and Cindy who put the whole carnival together. It was awesome! So good to see my family, including my super cute grandma! Love you all!

Washington Pics...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Maddy's 1st birthday!

My cute momma, Am, Maddy, and Luke.Muggy opening her bubble blower.

She'll be one hot momma in this little swimsuit from my parents.

A stuffed 'Scout' since, even after a year, the real one still won't look at her, let alone play with her.

The 3 amigos!

Excited at the sight of her very own cake! Cute bib is from Mimi and Papa.

Tastes good! Especially when someone lifts it to you!

All the kiddos! Carter, Savvy, Luke, Addison, Emerie (above) wasn't feelin' in the picture mood!

Pre Birthday party in her rainbow bright leggings!

My baby is 1! Still can't believe a whole year has gone by already. It has been an amazing year, watching this little monkey grow and develop. Her personality has come out and she is HILARIOUS! Spicy, cheesy, and hilarious! When I say spicy, I mean the side of her that comes out when she doesn't get her way...she will hit you or bite you, and then kiss you immediately after. She knows what 'be nice' means...even though she doesn't have much restraint in showing that she's displeased about something. Am has been a huge help! Thank you sweetie! Don't know what it is about Am pulling out her camera, Muggy will smile on cue every time. She LOVES her sister!

She's learning new words and chatters to herself in a language only she understands. She intimidates her twin cousins. Emerie always looks nervous when Maddy barrels towards her. She loves them though and loves to give them kisses!

Maddy's party was a blast! Couldn't have been more perfect for a 1st birthday. We barbequed, and all the kids ran and played and squealed and laughed! She got clothes (can't wait for summer to come so that she can wear her zebra and hot pink swim suit!), shoes, a puzzle, a lawnmower, books, dolls, a bubble blower, and a lot of other fun stuff. A little overwhelming for a 1 year old. She wasn't quite sure what was going on. And then the cake...I made her her own little cake with a Mickey Mouse candle, she LOVES Mickey, and she likes to go face first when eating sometimes. It was sooo priceless!