Johnson Reunion 2011

We were able to make it to Wyoming, well Idaho I guess, for the annual Ervon Johnson reunion. So glad we did because it was great. We got to try out our new camper and iron out the kinks before carrying on with the camping schedule this summer. It was so nice to have! We took turns cooking, played family fued, water balloon volleyball, and kickball, kids did scavenger hunts, rode horses, had rubber ducky races, fed the baby calf, ate, played in water, drove a mini john deere, 4-wheeled, and then passed out cold every night! A HUGE thanks to Tara and Cindy who put the whole carnival together. It was awesome! So good to see my family, including my super cute grandma! Love you all!

Washington Pics...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!???

Is it just me, or did 2010 go by REALLY fast?? Wow, I swear we just celebrated New Years a few months ago...
This Christmas, like all Christmas' past, was perfect! The anticipation, the buildup, and of course having the whole Santa thing NEW in our house again has brought more fun into the whole thing. For those who don't know...EVERY single year (minus maybe a few during teenage years) my mom does matching pj's for everyone. When we were kids, she made them, and still does from time to time...when she HAS the time. I still LOVE this part, combined with Christmas Eve stockings, presents, good food, etc, etc... Christmas Eve is probably STILL my favorite night of the year.

Mad's got a new trike from Santa...still learning the whole 'pedal' thing!

I heart this kid!! Am had his name for a gift this year...a sweatshirt and fingerless gloves! Here Mr. Cartman shows his unique sense of humor when he walked in with his homemade sign! That kid makes me laugh!!

Mad's in her tutu from Mimi!

The whole familia! Clad in our matching jammies! Dan looks SUPER excited!

Am and Savvy!

My darling them!

Am giving Maddy a hand..

On the Christmas train at the mall...

...and...relaxing in a box!! Not sure why we buy presents, boxes are usually a huge hit!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy New Year's!!