Johnson Reunion 2011

We were able to make it to Wyoming, well Idaho I guess, for the annual Ervon Johnson reunion. So glad we did because it was great. We got to try out our new camper and iron out the kinks before carrying on with the camping schedule this summer. It was so nice to have! We took turns cooking, played family fued, water balloon volleyball, and kickball, kids did scavenger hunts, rode horses, had rubber ducky races, fed the baby calf, ate, played in water, drove a mini john deere, 4-wheeled, and then passed out cold every night! A HUGE thanks to Tara and Cindy who put the whole carnival together. It was awesome! So good to see my family, including my super cute grandma! Love you all!

Washington Pics...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


We just got back from the Fetal Studio. No boy parts there...she's all girl. She's a little mover to. Wouldn't hold still, but he got some great shots anyway. We're excited! My cute mom was with us and we went directly to Gymboree for some cute baby girl clothes. She's already set for a bit now. Funny that they know my mom in there pretty well!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

August, birthdays, senior year, WSU, etc...'s been a busy month and a half. I can't believe it's September already! Quick catch up on things. Dan's sister and her family came down for a visit in mid-August. They love this area so much they're thinking about moving down here.
Am turned 17 on August 18th. Dan had a birthday on the 27th, Matt (brother-in-law) on the 29th, so we had a combined shindig for them. Wow, wait...seventeen!! Doesn't seem that long ago that I was 17 and starting my senior year. My how time flies. Sniff, sniff...
Am started her senior year at Alta High School. She's excited, we're excited...and sad at the same time. Excited to see her mulling over her choices for after high school colleges. She'll probably do UVU or SLCC for a year or two afterwards, then off to....somewhere. This is where our first trip to Pullman, Washington comes in. We went up there the first weekend in September to see the Cougs play football. At least it was fabulous weather. Cougs lost to Cal 66 to (gulp) 3. Biggest loss in WSU history. Ouch!! By halftime, half the stands had emptied. It was sad, but we had a great time!
Dan hadn't been there for 15 years, so he got to see how time had changed the whole area.

Am and her friend at her very small bash!
Dan and Matt's cake. Melissa had it made. The boys loved it.
Martin stadium pre-game. Empty stands...looks close to this at half-time of the game.

Dan made us. Am was blushing. The two guys were super nice.

Dan's old frat house. The Phi Delta Gamma fraternity. Dan's picture is still inside with the 86-87 class. We did get to tour the inside. Definately full of boys!! I say boys, because they look too young to be in college! I can't believe how young college kids look now.

Dan worked here at one point during his 4 and a half year stint of living in this area. Still there, although we didn't go inside.
Dan's old dorm room. He lived on the top floor pre-frat house.

Future student???? I must say, I am definately the mother of a teenager girl. She wants to go to school up there because of all the 'hot' guys! She couldn't help but call her friend, Brit, who's equally boy crazy and tell her of all the guys!
All in all, I am excited for this page in Am's life. Just last night we ordered graduation announcements and the like for her. Again, doesn't seem that long ago that I was doing the same thing. Good thing for me, she's a much better kid, or young woman, than I ever was! Her looking at all the different things that she can do, and where she wants to go, just makes me more excited for her. I guess, I'm living vicariously through my child because of my lack of a true college experience. I'll definately be sad when she's off, but excited at the same time. My hope for her is that enjoys her life to the fullest taking every single opportunity that comes her way. Sometimes we have to push her, because of her, rarely seen, lack of confidence. She'll go far. Maybe med school....and I can retire early when she discovers the cure for cancer or something big like that. A mother can dream right???
With baby Festus on the way, we'll be starting over at 0 pretty soon. Uh, we may have to change the name Festus (which came from where??) if it's a girl. We find out tomorrow! Hopefully anyway.